Friday, February 19, 2010

Friends are great!!

Thanks to Lacey and George, I now have a chandelier hanging over the dining room table. They lifted and wired and mounted late one Saturday afternoon. I watched in awe. Couldn't even look up at them due to a pulled muscle in my neck that has made my life agony once January 2nd. Finally last Friday I got a steroid shot and the pain has begun to pass. Did you know that the neck muscles connect to the tips of your fingers and down to your big toe? I didn't either until I had a spasm. I have got to baby myself or I'll re-injure it as I did last Monday doing a little gardening.
I'm taking the plunge on the more deck. Out with the "Bridge of Sighs" that has been girdling the tree for 21 years. Not many big outdoor parties planned for the near future. Hope I can find someone reasonable to pull out the old deck. Anyone out there know of any wood recyclers? It is redwood, after all.
I'm going for plantings compatible with the oak tree instead of working in spite of it. Last weekend Kate and I went to the UC Davis Arboretum and they had lots of suggestions on what to plant. Now if I can only find some of those plants, I'll be in business. Rather, my gardener will be in business.

The pear tree looks OK so far, thanks for asking. So long, aches and pains and plans and all. Penny