Haven't heard from me for a while. I've been to the bank to borrow money. Met with a landscape designer to talk about my backyard dreams. Met with a landscaper who said he could take my deck out. Monday! Came home to find the 21 year old redwood boards neatly stacked, and no deck up to the oak tree. I've been so curious about what was under the deck after all these years. Guess. Acorns of course. Insidious creatures.
So this is the first step to making my Mediterranean garden. That's what Paul called it. Has a nice sound to it. We're thinking about easy care, low water, perennial plants. Can't wait to see what Kathleen's plans look like.
Paul found a place that will recycle the wood. I'm not sure if they have any building value, but even as wood chips it would be better than just dumping them in the landfill. Think green.
I've learned that people who know what they are doing can get things done in no time at all. If the good weather holds, I'll have something pleasant to look at as I gaze out the kitchen window. Hopefully I won't have a big mud puddle. I'll keep you posted friends.